Trump or Harris

Trump or Harris

Trump or Harris

With the national election approaching, we decided to provide a platform for both sides of the political spectrum to express their opinions regarding several topics that may be important in their decision making. Because having a face-to-face meeting and debate was not practical, we presented these topics in the form of 9 questions. Each participant responded to the questions on their own—there was no debate or response to one another. The participants are Mr. Sassan Haghgoo, a retired civil engineer who supports former President Trump, and Mr. Shahriar Afshar, who is also a retired public servant who supports Vice President Harris. They both live in San Diego. We asked about tangible economic and social issues to avoid philosophical and ideological sparring at this point. We hope this helps our readers to see different perspectives in helping them to make their own decisions.

Peyk Editorial Board 

1- Is the United States better off today compared to 2020?


I am going to respond based on my personal experiences and what I have heard and seen. Of course, as an Iranian American, the US policies towards Iran, whether in the past or present, also affect my current views. With those caveats, it is abundantly clear that the current inflation has substantially driven the cost of living higher in the past few years. The inflation has been good for our family as we own real estate in San Diego; both the home prices and the rent increases of the past few years have helped our net worth and income. But I can only imagine the financial hardship individuals and families on fixed income must be experiencing.  I often use day laborers for different types of jobs. For whatever it is worth, it is almost unanimous that the workers think life was better when Trump was in office.As for the safety and security of this country, a weak military disposition abroad combined with the potential of illegal crossings into this country—while I see masked individuals burning American flags, some even praising Allah in our streets—gives me an uneasy feeling. Iranians know well how Islamists can destroy a country.

2- Can you compare President Trump’s economic plans (2016-2020) to President Biden’s (2020-2024)?


As a lay person, I’m not sure if I could speak to the economic plans under the two administrations. But what I have seen pre-pandemic versus today: the cost for a hamburger, fries and, a drink has gone up from around $10 to $20; gas has gone up 25%; rents have gone up at least 30%; mortgage rates have gone up 100%, etc… I’m sure inflation is worldwide, but bear in mind that the U.S., as the largest or the second largest economy in the world, potentially impacts everyone else rather than the other way around.

3- Do you think the election of 2020 was “fair and square?” Did you accept the results of the presidential election?


I don’t know about fairness, but I do not agree there was any cheating with the vote counting.  One of the injustices against Trump was the so-called Russian collusion investigation, which didn’t produce anything substantial against his team, but unveiled misconduct by the Federal employees. The U.S. is the largest democracy in the world, not a 3rd world dictatorship. So, if you question the integrity of the election, you are questioning the foundation of democracy in this country. The support for the election results was bipartisan even though some ordinary folks may disagree.

4- The Pentagon’s study of climate change, which dates back to the George W. Bush administration, indicates that climate crises pose an existential threat to human existence if left unmitigated. How do you think the next administration should combat the climate crisis? 


The government should continue promoting and investing in green energy. Green energy is now cheaper than energy produced by fossil fuels. In a free market economy, it is only a matter of time for the cheaper alternatives to take a bigger part of the market share. Obviously, energy policies are implemented at the federal, state, or even local level. With the cost of gasoline, natural gas, and electricity increasing at the rate they have been in the past, plus considering the current tax and monetary incentives, it makes sense to install solar panels for your home and use electric appliances and drive electric cars. That is what we have done in our household. The government has been providing great incentives to go solar both under Trump and Biden. The biggest limitations we are facing right now are the driving range of electric vehicles and the lack of viable charging stations. Therefore, we have to rely on gas cars for out-of-town trips. Once these limitations are alleviated, the use of electric cars should increase substantially. The next administration should continue with tax and other incentives for going solar.

5- How do you evaluate President Biden’s first term in office?


The June 2024 debate on CNN, which was apparently the impetus to drive Mr. Biden out of the presidential race, was a great indication of how Mr. Biden has performed in the past few years. As much as the left has tried to blame Mr. Biden’s mistakes as the reason for losing the debate, the reality is his policies are the real reason behind his dismal debate performance! I find it quite disingenuous that the left has been acting as if there was nothing wrong with President Biden for the past four years, but all of a sudden they all turned on him after one “bad” debate! They know well that Mr. Biden’s performance in the past four years will not result in a win this November. So, they had to introduce a different candidate who would distance him/herself from Biden’s policies.

6- One of the main criticisms of former President Trump is several criminal cases against him. Would that be an important factor in your decision?


Not really, as I believe most, if not all, are politically motivated, as they have been extremely partisan. It is noteworthy that several of these cases were defeated in court or dismissed by the judge. Unfortunately, what has occurred will open the door for quid pro quo going forward, to go after ex-presidents for political gains.

7- One of the main criticisms against President Biden is the unconditional support of the Israeli government against the Palestinians. Would this be a factor in your decision?


No! For as long as I remember, every U.S. administration has shown an unwavering support for Israel’s right to exist. This support will most likely continue under any administration in the future. What should be focused on at this point is a peace process which will guarantee two states that can co-exist and prosper next to one another. I strongly believe the Abraham Accords initiated under President Trump was a step in the right direction.

8- How has the Iranian American community fared under President Trump compared to President Biden?


The Iranian American community, as Americans, has fared just like any other community in the U.S. But as far as policies related to Iran, Mr. Biden has definitely given a new life to the Iranian regime which was on life support under President Trump’s policies. The result is what we are witnessing in the Middle East today. The regional war is quickly spreading. The Islamic Republic’s newfound wealth from oil exports, during Mr. Biden’s presidency, instead of going to Iranians, is subsidizing terror groups and the regional wars. The ayatollahs’ footprints are in every war from Ukraine to Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen.

9- What is the most compelling case for the election of your candidate?


As an American with my loyalty to the U.S., and as an Iranian with my heart still in my birthplace, I want the best for both countries.The best will be realized by the economic prosperity in the U.S. and by fighting for democracy and freedom per the laws of the land. Vote for the candidate who would best keep American jobs in America and support American industries, one who supports a strong military and law enforcement to keep Americans safe, one who would stand up to other countries who openly steal American technology and intellectual properties. For Iran, the best can only be realized by defeating the current Islamist terror dictatorship and replacing it with a secular democracy which can ensure freedom and equality for all. As an Iranian American, I favor the candidate who has a tougher stance towards the terror regime in Iran.

Sassan Haghgoo is a long-time resident of San Diego. He left Iran in 1977 to study in the U.S. He first went to Michigan, but transferred to San Diego State University in 1979. He received his master’s degree in civil engineering in 1986 from SDSU. He has worked both in the private and the public sectors. He quit his engineering job with the City of San Marcos in 2010 to spend more time with his family. Other than devoting a little time to his rental properties, he is mostly enjoying life by keeping in shape, traveling, and spending time with friends and family.

Thank you Peyk Magazine for giving me an opportunity to make the case for electing Kamala Harris.

1- Is the United States better off today compared to 2020?


We must submit that the Country has experienced mixed outcomes under the Biden/Harris Administration, with some economic improvements in unemployment rates and COVID-19 management and significant challenges such as inflation that have persisted, affecting many Americans.

2- Can you compare President Trump’s economic plans (2016-2020) to President Biden’s (2020-2024)?


Trump’s economic policies focused on tax cuts and deregulation, aiming to boost manufacturing but often mired in political distractions. The Biden/Harris Administration’s approach emphasizes infrastructure investment, clean energy, and social programs funded by higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy.

3- Do you think the election of 2020 was “fair and square?” Did you accept the results of the presidential election?


As any 5th grader can tell you, elections for federal office are a state concern, NOT a White House-controlled conspiracy across 50 states. The 2020 election, despite Trump’s claims, was the most secure in history per his own National Security Administration officials as well as Republican Governors, County election officers, and state legislators. In point of fact, those Trump operatives who spewed lies about the 2020 election results, voting machines, and conspiracy theories are now facing multiple prosecutions and some are in jail.

4- The Pentagon’s study of climate change, which dates back to the George W. Bush administration, indicates that climate crises pose an existential threat to human existence if left unmitigated. How do you think the next administration should combat the climate crisis? 


The world has moved beyond Trump, MAGA, and even GOP rhetoric against climate change. The Biden/Harris Administration has taken multiple steps to protect our environment for the next generation by incentivising EV infrastructure under the 2021 $1.2T Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act, to name just one example.

5- How do you evaluate President Biden’s first term in office?


The Biden/Harris Administration’s current term produced a slew of legislative achievements like infrastructure and COVID-19 relief, despite criticisms over inflation and Afghanistan, the latter of which could have been executed far better and without loss of life.

6- One of the main criticisms of former President Trump is several criminal cases against him. Would that be an important factor in your decision?


Criticism of Trump includes numerous criminal cases against him and his close associates, including 34 felony convictions and multiple open cases of fraud, election subversion, and obstruction as follows: (1) New York State: Fraud; (2) Manhattan: Defamation and Sexual Assault; (3) Manhattan: Hush Money; (4) Department of Justice: Mar-a-Lago Documents; (5) Fulton County: Election Subversion; and (6) Department of Justice: Election Subversion. Additionally, in more than 30 states, cases were filed over whether Trump should be thrown off the 2024 ballot under a novel legal theory about the Fourteenth Amendment. And since we are talking about legal issues, here is a list of all Trump advisors who went to prison: Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, Roger Stone, Rick Gates, and Allen Weisselberg.

7- One of the main criticisms against President Biden is the unconditional support of the Israeli government against the Palestinians. Would this be a factor in your decision?


No. Israel has a right to defend itself and Palestinians have a right to resist occupation. In both cases, the loss of innocent lives is tragic and unacceptable.

8- How has the Iranian American community fared under President Biden compared to President Trump?


President Trump’s tenure included the imposition of stringent sanctions on Iran and the travel ban, which significantly affected Iranian Americans. Trump’s killing of General Soleimani was widely supported by Iranians worldwide. In contrast, the Biden/Harris Administration has taken steps towards re-engaging diplomatically with Iran, but failed, influencing many in the Iranian Diaspora who prefer a maximum pressure campaign over engagement.

9- What is the most compelling case for the election of your candidate?


Voting for Kamala Harris is a vote for leadership that prioritizes inclusivity, social justice, and progressive policies; investing in education, healthcare, and climate change initiatives; and advocating for a more equitable economy that supports the middle class and underrepresented communities. She champions women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and comprehensive immigration reform, promoting a more compassionate and fair approach to governance. Her track record as a senator and her experience as vice president demonstrate her commitment to collaboration and bipartisanship in addressing critical national challenges.

In contrast, Trump’s self-serving leadership style and policies are often characterized by divisiveness and controversy, which some believe could undermine democratic values and social cohesion, i.e., a threat to American Democracy itself. Choosing Harris is a vote for unity, progress, and a robust democratic future. A vote for Trump is taking us backwards, when America was not great, women could not vote, where there were no civil rights for blacks, and we had not evolved as a society to lift all Americans towards the American Dream. Donald Trump is a lying, adjudicated rapist, convicted (fraud) felon, and a stated dictator with no respect for American Democracy. His childish response to COVID-19 almost broke the country. His support of the January 6th Insurrectionists is considered treasonous by some. His public management priorities are based on business dealings that have nothing to do with the public good and his economic policies only benefit the wealthy. His rhetoric is divisive and he normalized violent, racist, and misogynistic behavior at the highest levels of our society. And he spent more time on his golf courses (making the Secret Service pay for expensive rooms and travel) than he did addressing the problems of the American people. More notably, Trump appointed three justices to the Supreme Court and a total of 234 judges to the federal judiciary, transforming the face of American jurisprudence (towards conservatism) for generations. And with the majority, the Supreme Court reversed over 50 years of precedent and repealed Roe vs. Wade (outlawing abortion).

Project 2025, with ties to President Trump, is considered controversial for its proposals aimed at significantly rolling back federal regulations across various sectors. Key elements include a focus on appointing conservative judges to influence essential civil rights rulings, implementing stricter immigration enforcement and border security measures that could lead to humanitarian concerns, and pursuing healthcare reforms that may reduce access to services for vulnerable populations. Read more about Project 2025 at:

If you have objectively studied all the facts, do not worship a cult leader, and want the best for all Americans, you simply cannot pin your trust, vote, and hopes on a con man like Donald J. Trump. And now that the Republicans’ plans under Project 2025 have come to light, the choice has never been more clear. In recognition of President Biden’s sacrifice to suspend his candidacy in favor of his VP Kamala Harris (the first woman of color who may become president), choose Harris to guide you through the next four years into prosperity.   

Shahriar Afshar is the co-founder of the Iranian-American Democrats of San Diego & California. He serves on several philanthropic nonprofits, is a retired public servant of 25 years, and is the current host of Podcasts on KIRN670AM in Los Angeles, CA, every Sunday at 9am PST or wherever you listen to your podcasts.
