

Hip-Hop, from West to Iran By Vahid Jahandari The cultural phenomenon of hip-hop has been fast-growing over the past few decades,…



TYPE 2 DIABETES By Sanaz Majd, MD Over 10% of the U.S. population, approximately 34 million people, suffers from type…

Mbappé’s MightArticles

Mbappé’s Might

Mbappé’s Might: The Young Frenchman who Could Change Everything By Danial Golforoush It felt surreal when Kylian Mbappé walked out to…

Diets for Those with DiabetesLifestyle

Diets for Those with Diabetes

Educational Series The Science of Nutrition By Mohammad Ahrar, PhD Diets for Those with Diabetes Introduction According to the Centers…

An Immigration StoryArticles

An Immigration Story

An Immigration Story: An Interview with Mr. A (Part 2) Leaving your homeland and residing in another—with a totally new culture,…

Community News-July-AugustCommunity News

Community News-July-August

Celebration of Life in Memory of Dr. Sia Nemat-Nasser On Saturday, April 30, 2022, UC San Diego Arts and Humanities…

A war, a slap, and the notion of mercyEditorial

A war, a slap, and the notion of mercy

Shaghayegh Hanson On the big-picture front, things were looking up. COVID was abating, Spring was arriving, and we all deserved…

PCC NEWS, March-April 2022PCC News

PCC NEWS, March-April 2022

PCC’s Board Meetings Persian Cultural Center’s board of directors holds its meetings every second Wednesday of the month at the…