Peyk 186 March-April 2020Peyk English cover

Peyk 186 March-April 2020

• Open the window • Trump is Right: The Media is Fake • Importance of Folate and Vitamin B12 •…

Iranian American Racial Ambiguity and the 2020 CensusArticles

Iranian American Racial Ambiguity and the 2020 Census

Analyzing the complexities of Iranian American racial identity and ensuring an accurate representation of the Iranian American community on the…

Trump Is Right: The Media Is FakeAria Fani

Trump Is Right: The Media Is Fake

From now until the November presidential election, the mainstream media will constantly play their favorite hit: we are a divided…

Nowruz in classroomArticles

Nowruz in classroom

By Sheiveh Jones This time last year, I mentioned I would get into my older son’s classroom and talk to…



REGION AND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Bijan Zayer, Ph.D. Weighed down by the trade war with China and a sharp drop in…

Should You Take Fish Oil?Lifestyle

Should You Take Fish Oil?

Do you need a fish oil supplement, otherwise known as an omega-3 fatty acid, or is it just another “fishy”…

Importance of Folate and Vitamin B12Lifestyle

Importance of Folate and Vitamin B12

Introduction The B-complex vitamin group encompasses eight vitamins: thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B12, and folic…

Sohaan AssalPersian Cuisine

Sohaan Assal

Kookoo Sabzi:  Fresh Herb Quiche/Souffle preparation time 45 minutes, makes 8 wedges Ingredients: 4 cups chopped parsley; 4 cups chopped…