جشن پایان سال تحصیلی مدرسه ایرانیان سن دیگو
جشن پایان سال تحصیلی در روز یکشنبه 23 ماه می به صورت آنلاین برگزار شد. برای این برنامه هر کلاس یک ویدیوی کوتاه از هنر نمایی های دانش آموزان تهیه کرده بودند که به نمایش در آمد. در فاصله برنامه های کلاس ها، ویدیو هایی از گروه رقص مدرسه اجرا شد. در پایان فارغ التحصیل های امسال معرفی شدند. سپس آموزگاران و مسولین مدرسه ضمن تبریک به این دانش آموزان برایشان آرزوی موفقیت کردند. ویدیو های این جشن در کانال یوتوب مدرسه موجود می باشند.
اسامی فارغ التحصیلان مدرسه ایرانیان سن دیگو، سال 2020 ـ 2021
Aiden Afshar, Romteen Azmoodeh, Shaady Coenen, Nikki Fadaiian, Ryan Fadaiian, Hanna Hajisattari, Samin Khatibi, Tara Mani, Parisa Mazarei, Sofia Rahbar
Iranian School of San Diego Starts its 34th Year of Service
Registration of the Iranian School of San Diego for academic year 2021- 2022 starts online on Monday, August 30, 2021, and ends on Friday, September 3, 2021. To register, please visit www.issd.pccsd.org.
Classes will start on Sunday, September 12, 2021, from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. The extracurricular classes of dance, music, theater, and drawing will be from 12 noon to 1 p.m. The classes will be held at Mount Carmel High School, located at 9550 Carmel Mountain Road, San Diego, California, 92127.
In addition to the regular in person classes, ISSD will continue to offer online classes for students who cannot attend the physical classes, including those from other geographic areas. These classes are tentatively scheduled for Saturday morning from 10 a.m. to 12 noon or Sundays from 2 to 4 p.m.
ISSD is accredited by all local school districts, which means that high school students can take Persian language at ISSD to fulfill their second language requirement. These students should obtain their specific language form from their high schools and send them to issd@pccsd.org before September 10, 2021.

These are the classes offered at ISSD:
Persian Language Classes: Meeting Sunday mornings at Mt. Carmel High Sschool or online
• Pre K classes for 5 year old students.
• Kindergarten classes for 6 year old students.
• Persian language classes from Persian 1 (P1) through Persian 6 (P6), for 7 year old and older students. Each level takes one year to complete.
• Persian language classes for adults, beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
Extracurricular Activities: Meeting once a week on Sundays (time
• Persian Dance, for 5 year olds through teenagers.
• Persian Dance for adults.
• Persian music, setar, minimum age 9.
• Theater, acting, and art creation, minimum age 9.
• Drawing and Painting classes, minimum age 9.
• Persian Conversation
General Notes:
• The classes are limited to 10 students.
• The minimum number of students for the extracurricular activities is 5.
• The online classes will be conducted on Zoom.
• ISSD will provide textbooks, notebooks, and folders for all students. The materials will be distributed in the classrooms. If you are attending the online classes, you can either obtain materials from the Iranian American Center (6790 Top Gun Street #7, San Diego, CA 92121) or they will be mailed to your address.
• The tuition for the entire academic year is as follows:
• Registration fee $50
• Persian classes $500
• Dance (Youth) $350
• Dance (Adult) $250
• Theater $250
• Music (Setar) $250
• Drawing and painting $250
• The first semester ends on Sunday, January 16, 2022.
• The last day of school is on Sunday, May 22, 2022.
Should you have any questions, please contact us at (858) 552-9355.