مدرسه‭ ‬ایرانیان‭ ‬سن‭ ‬دیگو‭ ‬سی‭ ‬و‭ ‬هفتمین‭ ‬سال‭ ‬فعالیت‭ ‬خود‭ ‬را‭ ‬آغاز‭ ‬می کند

مدرسه‭ ‬ایرانیان‭ ‬سن‭ ‬دیگو‭ ‬سی‭ ‬و‭ ‬هفتمین‭ ‬سال‭ ‬فعالیت‭ ‬خود‭ ‬را‭ ‬آغاز‭ ‬می کند

A Brief History

In September 1988, at the invitation of Shahri Estakhri and Mozayan Bagherzadeh, the first group of students began attending Persian classes, marking the inception of the Iranian School of San Diego (ISSD).

Shortly thereafter, a group of dedicated parents joined forces to establish the Persian Cultural Center (PCC) as a nonprofit organization. Their goal was to enrich cultural activities and better serve the Iranian American community. To date, nearly 2,300 students have benefited from ISSD’s programs. In academic year 2023 ـ 2924, we had 300 students enrolled at all levels, engaged in learning the Persian language and exploring Iranian culture. During the Covid ـ 19 pandemic, all our classes were conducted virtually via Zoom. Since 2021, we have offered both in ـ person and virtual classes, attracting online students from across the country.

ISSD has been a trailblazer in teaching Persian as a heritage language, developing textbooks that are now used in many schools nationwide. The school boasts a robust teacher training program with over twenty passionate and experienced educators. Our Persian Language Program is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and all local school districts. High school students can fulfill their second language requirements by studying Persian at ISSD.

As part of ISSD, the Persian Dance Academy teaches Iranian folk dances and performs at various cultural events. Students celebrate major cultural occasions such as Nowruz, Mehregan, and Yalda.

The PCC, our mother organization, has also expanded significantly. Our bilingual cultural magazine, Peyk (peykmagazine.com), reaches thousands of readers worldwide. PCC has organized numerous cultural events, including poetry nights, film screenings and discussions, Jong e Farhangi, art exhibition, music concerts, and theatrical performances.

In 2013, with community support, PCC purchased and established the Iranian American Center (IAC), a hub for cultural gatherings. Over the past 36 years, ISSD and PCC have emerged as two of the most successful cultural organizations outside of Iran, a testament to our community’s vibrant spirit and dedication.

For us, learning Persian is not merely an end in itself—it is a gateway. Alongside cultural enrichment, we strive to create a nurturing and inclusive environment where students can find a sense of belonging and cultivate their identities.

Through tuition fees, fundraising initiatives, and countless volunteer hours, ISSD operates as a self ـ sustaining entity, independent of any religious or political affiliations. Our achievements would not have been possible without the unwavering support of parents and the broader Iranian American community.

Why I want to be a teacher’s assistant

 By Lilia Djavanmard

All my life I have grown up around Iranian culture. My parents are both Iranian and my whole family is too. I travel to Iran every summer, and each time I go back, I learn more about our culture and our language. My family and I travel to different cities in Iran and aim to learn more about the culture each time. I love learning new things about Iran. Last summer, I went to Kashan and I learned that ancient Persians were some of the smartest mathematicians during their time and created many parabolas we use today. I also learned that ancient Persians were the first people in the world to create a proper civilization. They made living spaces underground and were the first civilization to create utensils, instruments, and more.

I also went to school in Iran for four years and although i attended an international school, it was the basis for learning the farsi language. My school taught me about Iran’s culture, history, and life. I learned about the language and dynamic too. The information I received could not be replaced. I can say I have a good amount of exposure to Iran. Whenever I tell people I can speak farsi, they are amazed. It makes me happy to know so much about our country and culture. I would not want to lose that touch and connection I have with Iran. I believe being a teacher’s assistant will help me become more enlightened and experienced. Becoming a teachers assistant will give me a new perspective because it allows me to experience teaching.

I will always know that I have farsi and Iranian culture when I need it. When I came to the school this year, I noticed that many of the kids had never been to Iran or had much exposure to Iranian life. I want to help the kids and benefit them with what I know. I love helping children and it gives me joy to teach them about Iran.

سلام‭ ‬آقای‭ ‬صدر،

من‭ ‬ملیسا‭ ‬فرشچی‭ ‬هستم‭ ‬و‭ ‬به‭ ‬عنوان‭ ‬دستیار‭ ‬معلم‭ ‬برای‭ ‬سال‭ ‬تحصیلی‭ ‬۲۰۲۴‭ ‬ـ‭ ‬۲۰۲۵‭ ‬علاقه‌مند‭ ‬به‭ ‬همکاری‭ ‬هستم‭. ‬من‭ ‬در‭ ‬سال‭ ‬۲۰۲۲‭ ‬از‭ ‬مدرسه‭ ‬فارسی‭ ‬فارغ‌التحصیل‭ ‬شدم‭ ‬و‭ ‬از‭ ‬آن‭ ‬زمان‭ ‬به‭ ‬طور‭ ‬مستقل‭ ‬کلاس‌های‭ ‬فارسی‭ ‬را‭ ‬دنبال‭ ‬کرده‌ام‭ ‬تا‭ ‬زبان‭ ‬فارسی‭ ‬را‭ ‬به‭ ‬طور‭ ‬کامل‭ ‬مسلط‭ ‬شوم‭. ‬از‭ ‬کودکیه‭ ‬من‭ ‬،والدینم‭ ‬که‭ ‬مهاجران‭ ‬جدید‭ ‬بودند،‭ ‬همیشه‭ ‬مشغول‭ ‬کار‭ ‬بودند‭ ‬و‭ ‬از‭ ‬اونجا‭ ‬که‭ ‬،‭ ‬در‭ ‬اینجا‭ ‬هیچ‭ ‬خانواده‌ای‭ ‬نداشتیم‭ ‬،من‭ ‬بیشتر‭ ‬وقت‌ها‭ ‬در‭ ‬مهدکودک‌ها‭ ‬و‭ ‬مدارسی‭ ‬بودم‭ ‬که‭ ‬فقط‭ ‬انگلیسی‭ ‬صحبت‭ ‬می‌کردند‭ ‬و‭ ‬آموزش‭ ‬می‌دادند‭. ‬به‭ ‬همین‭ ‬دلیل،‭ ‬فارسی‭ ‬من‭ ‬بسیار‭ ‬ضعیف‭ ‬بود‭ ‬و‭ ‬به‭ ‬سختی‭ ‬می‌توانستم‭ ‬صحبت‭ ‬کنم،‭ ‬بنویسم‭ ‬یا‭ ‬حتی‭ ‬زبان‭ ‬مادری‌ام‭ ‬را‭ ‬درک‭ ‬کنم‭. ‬مادرم‭ ‬مشکلاتم‭ ‬را‭ ‬تشخیص‭ ‬داد‭ ‬و‭ ‬در‭ ‬سال‭ ‬۲۰۱۶‭ ‬مرا‭ ‬در‭ ‬مدرسه‭ ‬فارسی‭ ‬سن‭ ‬دیگو‭ ‬ثبت‭ ‬نام‭ ‬کرد‭. ‬این‭ ‬تصمیم‭ ‬واقعاً‭ ‬بهترین‭ ‬تصمیم‭ ‬بود‭. ‬فارسی‭ ‬من‭ ‬به‭ ‬شدت‭ ‬بهبود‭ ‬یافت‭ ‬و‭ ‬توانستم‭ ‬به‭ ‬زیبایی‭ ‬بخوانم،‭ ‬بنویسم‭ ‬و‭ ‬صحبت‭ ‬کنم‭. ‬وقتی‭ ‬به‭ ‬ایران‭ ‬سفر‭ ‬می‌کردم،‭ ‬می‌توانستم‭ ‬صحبت‌های‭ ‬خانواده‌ام‭ ‬را‭ ‬بفهمم،‭ ‬با‭ ‬آنها‭ ‬صحبت‭ ‬کنم‭ ‬و‭ ‬در‭ ‬خیابان‌های‭ ‬تهران‭ ‬مسیریابی‭ ‬کنم‭. ‬مدرسه‭ ‬فارسی‭ ‬سن‭ ‬دیگو‭ ‬نه‭ ‬تنها‭ ‬به‭ ‬من‭ ‬کمک‭ ‬کرد‭ ‬تا‭ ‬فارسی‌ام‭ ‬را‭ ‬کامل‭ ‬کنم،‭ ‬بلکه‭ ‬مرا‭ ‬با‭ ‬فرهنگ‭ ‬ایرانی‌ام‭ ‬به‭ ‬طرز‭ ‬بی‌نظیری‭ ‬آشنا‭ ‬کرد‭. ‬این‭ ‬مدرسه‭ ‬باعث‭ ‬شد‭ ‬تا‭ ‬نسبت‭ ‬به‭ ‬میراث‭ ‬فارسی‌ام‭ ‬فعال‌تر‭ ‬باشم‭ ‬و‭ ‬جشن‌هایی‭ ‬مانند‭ ‬نوروز‭ ‬و‭ ‬شب‭ ‬یلدا‭ ‬را‭ ‬جدی‌تر‭ ‬بگیرم‭ ‬و‭ ‬معنی‭ ‬آنها‭ ‬را‭ ‬با‭ ‬تمام‭ ‬وجود‭ ‬درک‭ ‬کنم‭ .‬حتی‭ ‬رقص‭ ‬ایرانی‭ ‬یاد‭ ‬گرفتم‭ ‬و‭ ‬سال‌ها‭ ‬در‭ ‬کلاس‌های‭ ‬مدرسه‭ ‬سن‭ ‬دیگو‭ ‬شرکت‭ ‬کردم‭. ‬بهترین‭ ‬دوستان‭ ‬ایرانیم‭ ‬را‭ ‬در‭ ‬مدرسه‭ ‬ایرانی‭ ‬پیدا‭ ‬کردم‭ ‬و‭ ‬هنوز‭ ‬با‭ ‬هم‭ ‬در‭ ‬ارتباط‭ ‬هستیم‭.‬گاهی‭ ‬اوقات‭ ‬فکر‭ ‬می‌کنم‭ ‬که‭ ‬چه‭ ‬نوع‭ ‬شخصیتی‭ ‬می‌داشتم‭ ‬اگر‭ ‬مادرم‭ ‬در‭ ‬سال‭ ‬۲۰۱۶‭ ‬مرا‭ ‬در‭ ‬مدرسه‭ ‬فارسی‭ ‬سن‭ ‬دیگو‭ ‬ثبت‭ ‬نام‭ ‬نمی‌کرد‭. ‬بسیار‭ ‬سپاسگزارم‭ ‬که‭ ‬این‭ ‬کار‭ ‬را‭ ‬انجام‭ ‬داد‭.‬می‌خواهم‭ ‬به‭ ‬عنوان‭ ‬دستیار‭ ‬معلم‭ ‬به‭ ‬کودکان‭ ‬دیگر‭ ‬کمک‭ ‬کنم‭ ‬تا‭ ‬فارسی‭ ‬را‭ ‬یاد‭ ‬بگیرند‭ ‬و‭ ‬به‭ ‬آن‭ ‬علاقه‌مند‭ ‬شوند‭. ‬می‌خواهم‭ ‬آنها‭ ‬را‭ ‬تشویق‭ ‬کنم‭ ‬تا‭ ‬به‭ ‬فرهنگ‌شان‭ ‬افتخار‭ ‬کنند‭. ‬در‭ ‬آمریکا،‭ ‬بسیاری‭ ‬از‭ ‬فرهنگ‌ها‭ ‬در‭ ‬حال‭ ‬فراموشی‭ ‬و‭ ‬از‭ ‬بین‭ ‬رفتن‭ ‬هستند‭. ‬اگر‭ ‬به‭ ‬کودکانمان‭ ‬یاد‭ ‬دهیم‭ ‬که‭ ‬به‭ ‬فرهنگ‭ ‬ایرانی‭ ‬عشق‭ ‬بورزند،‭ ‬این‭ ‬فرهنگ‭ ‬زنده‭ ‬خواهد‭ ‬ماند‭. ‬بسیار‭ ‬سپاسگزارم‭ ‬برای‭ ‬توجه‌تان‭ ‬و‭ ‬ممنون‭ ‬از‭ ‬فکر‭ ‬زیبا‭ ‬و‭ ‬خردمندانتون‭ ‬برای‭ ‬تاسیس‭ ‬مدرسه‭ ‬ایرانی،‭ ‬آقای‭ ‬صدر‭.‬

با‭ ‬احترام

ملیسا‭ ‬فرشچی

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