Diets for Those with DiabetesLifestyle

Diets for Those with Diabetes

Educational Series The Science of Nutrition By Mohammad Ahrar, PhD Diets for Those with Diabetes Introduction According to the Centers…

Dietary Fiber BenefitsLifestyle

Dietary Fiber Benefits

By Mohammad Ahrar, PhD Introduction Fiber is a kind of carbohydrate found in plants. Unlike some other forms of carbohydrates…

Nutritional Value of EggsLifestyle

Nutritional Value of Eggs

Nutritional Value of Eggs on the Nowruz Haft-Seen Table Introduction One of the traditions during Nowruz is setting a colorful haft-seen…

Micronutrients and Your HealthLifestyle

Micronutrients and Your Health

Educational SeriesThe Science of Nutrition Micronutrients and Your Health: Iron, Zinc, and Iodine By Mohammad Ahrar, PhD Introduction   The human…

Importance of Fat in the DietLifestyle

Importance of Fat in the Diet

Educational Series The Science of Nutrition. Importance of Fat in the Diet By Mohammad Ahrar, PhD Introduction Fats, carbohydrates, proteins,…

Mycotoxins In FoodsLifestyle

Mycotoxins In Foods

By Mohammad Ahrar, PhD Introduction    Mycotoxins are toxins produced by certain molds that can grow on foods and food products.…

Health Benefits of SpicesLifestyle

Health Benefits of Spices

The Science of Nutrition Health Benefits of Spices By Mohammad Ahrar, PhD Introduction    There are more than 100 common…

Sugars and HealthLifestyle

Sugars and Health

Nutritional Value of the Sugars and Health By Mohammad Ahrar, PhD Introduction    Most people have a taste for sugar.…